Committee work


One of the things I've felt very passionate about during my PhD has been organizing with the Harvard graduate student union, HGSU-UAW, where I have been serving as the co-chair of the grievance committee. In my first 7 months as co-chair, we received about 200 grievance intakes, and in all cases so far we have been of immense help to students. Our support consists of securing additional compensation in cases of workload violations, fighting for interim measures in cases of harassment and discrimination, providing legal and emotional support for students facing disciplinary actions, etc. It has been incredibly gratifying to see what difference we make to people's lives, and I also think I have gained some invaluable communication and managerial skills. Apart from that, I have also served on a couple of other Harvard-affiliated committees including the APS-IDEA group and a joint faculty-student mental health committee at the Center for Astrophysics.

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